Dear Linkedin contact, I'm not a spamming pest. Jenny FossMay 19, 2010Job, Linkedin, Networking, Social Networking Comments
Interviewing and employed? Time to go 007. Jenny FossMay 12, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, confidentiality Comments
A free job search billboard. You're welcome. Jenny FossMay 7, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, Linkedin, NetworkingComment
When the itch to switch hits after 50. Jenny FossMay 4, 2010Over 50, career goals, career shift, dreamsComment
There are no dumb questions. Oh wait, yes there are. Jenny FossApril 22, 2010Interviewing, Job Search, Job Tips, Questions Comment
Hidden, schmidden: Finding your way into a bunch of opportunities. Jenny FossApril 15, 2010Job Search,, Networking, hidden job marketComment
Why you need to be a (key) word nerd. Jenny FossApril 14, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, Key Words, ResumeComment
Teaching college grads to dance The Robot. Jenny FossApril 13, 2010Entry Level, Graduates, Job TipsComment