Linkedin recommendations: Make sure they appear genuine. Jenny FossOctober 6, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, Linkedin, Recommendation Comment
Stop all the seriousness, job seeker. You're allowed to have some fun. Jenny FossSeptember 29, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, Relax, adultitis Comments
The thing we sometimes forget when we're so darned focused on our careers. Jenny FossSeptember 20, 2010family, gratitude, life lessons Comments
Cover letters that make HR people laugh (or cry). Jenny FossSeptember 17, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, cover letters, resumes Comments
Social media - What's your end game? Jenny FossSeptember 13, 2010Linkedin, Social Networking, Twitter, social media Comments
10 reasons you should have a job search blog, by tomorrow. Jenny FossSeptember 8, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, blogs, resumes Comments
10 things the interviewer doesn't want to know about you. Jenny FossAugust 27, 2010Interviewing, Job Search, Job Tips, TMI Comments