Pick a direction, for crying out loud. Career ChangesJenny FossSeptember 20, 2011Job Search, career counseling, career goalsComment
Because action verbs are just more fun to read. ResumesJenny FossSeptember 15, 2011Ridiculously Awesome Resume, job search strategy, resumesComment
Life can be terrifying sometimes. You are the refuge. Finding a Job, Career ChangesJenny FossSeptember 13, 2011Motivation, fear, self-careComment
The value of hanging tough when it feels like you can't do anything right. Finding a JobJenny FossSeptember 8, 2011career fears, overwhelmed by job search, life lessonsComment
"Throw it up against the wall and see what sticks" does not count as a job search strategy. Finding a JobJenny FossSeptember 6, 2011how to stop sucking at your job search, job search strategy Comments
Overuse of Capitalization: Or, How to Annoy a Resume Reviewer ResumesJenny FossSeptember 4, 2011Ridiculously Awesome Resume, job search strategy, resume writing services Comment
Who I am. What I believe. Career ChangesJenny FossAugust 25, 2011Personal branding, beliefs, meaningful career Comments
Why job search advice can work against you (and may make your brain explode.) Finding a JobJenny FossAugust 22, 2011job advice, job search strategy, resume writing Comments
Need fast cash? Gig your way through the tight spots Finding a JobJenny FossAugust 16, 2011craigslist, gigwalk, making ends meet, side jobs Comments
The trust deficit, and why that means you have to get off your ass and network. Finding a Job, NetworkingJenny FossJuly 25, 2011Networking, job search strategy, trustComment
Hiring managers take vacations, too. Jenny FossJuly 19, 2011Interviewing, Job Search, job search strategyComment