Ridiculously Awesome Resume Kit

Ridiculously Awesome Resume Kit
Is your resume ridiculously awesome? Does it make it easy for your target employer to quickly connect the dots between their “Here’s what we need” and your “Here’s what YOU can walk through our doors and deliver”?
Guys, here’s the thing: No one is going to deduce how or why you make sense for the job you want next. They won’t do this for a lot of reasons, but here’s the most important one:
It’s not the person on the receiving end of your resume’s job to make you make sense for any given role.
It’s yours.
You’ve got to make it “smack-in-the-forehead” obvious how and why you’re a great fit for the types of roles you’re pursuing.
You’ve also got to satisfy every reviewer of your resume – the resume scanning software (that has the power to rule you right out of the race if it doesn’t understand your background), the HR person (who’s going to breeze through that resume to see if you’re qualified enough to move forward in the process, and your future boss.
Don’t panic. Get the Ridiculously Awesome Resume Kit.
We’ll walk you through the same proven process our team has used to develop hundreds and hundreds of resumes on behalf of our clients. We’ll also answer the resume questions we hear most often, and share sample resumes and templates.
And best of all? We’ll do it in a way that isn’t just completely survivable (it is, promise), but mayyybe even a little bit enjoyable. That’s right: enjoyable.
Are you ready to knock this baby out of the park?
Let’s get started.
(Care to see the Table of Contents? Right HERE.)
The Ridiculously Awesome Resume Kit is for you if:
You suspect (or know full well) that your resume isn’t pulling its weight in showcasing the stuff you’re best known for, most proud of, or could give you a decided advantage over the competition.
You know that your resume needs to speak more directly to your target audience, but you’re struggling to figure out how to do that.
You’re embarrassed to hand out your current resume, so you’re missing out on cool opportunities.
You’re not landing interviews, and can’t figure out what’s wrong.
You want to see sample resumes and cover letters – resumes of actual people, who are now working in amazing new jobs.
You want a professional quality resume, at a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional resume writer.
You don't have to pay resume writer prices to have an amazing resume. The Ridiculously Awesome Resume Kit gives you everything you need to pull it off yourself, in grand style.
Looking for a more interactive experience? Check out our Weekend Resume Makeover course, a self-paced video tutorial that will take you step-by-step through the resume development process.
Table of Contents
Chapter One -Why I wrote this, and why you need a Ridiculously Awesome Resume.
Chapter Two- Fundamentals of a Ridiculously Awesome Resume.
Chapter Three - Don’t just sit there. Strategize. Organize. Launch.
Chapter Four - The structure. The sections. The formatting.
Chapter Five - Common mistakes, and the stuff you must leave off at all costs.
Chapter Six - It's time to draft a resume.
Chapter Seven - Creating, finalizing and saving the thing.
Chapter Eight - Customizing for different job opportunities.
Chapter Nine - The questions I hear all of the time, and my answers to them.
Chapter Ten - What you need to know if you apply for jobs via online applications processes (aka "the black hole).
Chapter Eleven - A few success stories, so you know that this formula truly works
Chapter Twelve - A word (or 1,000) about cover letters.
Chapter Thirteen - Carpe the hell out of this diem.
Appendix A -Ridiculously Awesome Resume Questionnaire
Appendix B - Sample resumes (and cover letters). Raid them as you please
Appendix C - 79 Most Awesome Resume Words
Looking for a more interactive experience? Check out our Weekend Resume Makeover course. This 12-module video tutorial walks you through the same process our teams uses when developing resumes for our clients. It also contains resume templates, sample resumes, worksheets and answers to the resume questions we hear most often.