HARO: Show off your wicked smahhts for free. Jenny FossJuly 2, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, Networking, Publicity Comments
It's not you, it's summer. (OK, maybe it's also you but...) Jenny FossJune 30, 2010Interviewing, Job Search, hiring, summer Comments
Yes, Virginia. Twitter IS a job board. Jenny FossJune 29, 2010Job Search, Twitter, job boards Comments
Ah, you're a "consultant." Aren't we all? Jenny FossJune 24, 2010Job Search, Jobless, Unemployed, consultants Comments
Preferential treatment. Who needs it? Jenny FossJune 21, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, favoritism, prizesComment
Risk and aging: They can co-exist Jenny FossJune 7, 2010Aging, Midlife, career shift, job loveComment
It's a little bird. And it's really not so scary, I promise. Jenny FossJune 2, 2010Job Search, Social Networking, Twitter, tweets Comments
I'm the Love Doctor, without all the kissing and stuff. Jenny FossMay 27, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, job love Comment