You can't eat an artburger. So why not monetize your creative passion? Jenny FossNovember 16, 2010Entrepreneurism, career advice, darden smith, passion Comments
5 ways to light up your job search. Today. Jenny FossNovember 12, 2010Facebook, Job Search, Job Tips, Linkedin, career adviceComment
They're not psychics. Help hiring managers make the connection. Jenny FossNovember 10, 2010Job Search, career advice, cover letters, resumes Comments
If your scuffed up interview shoes could talk... Jenny FossNovember 8, 2010Interviewing, Job Search, Job Tips Comments
If you're buried? Dig out. Then get rid of the pile. Jenny FossNovember 5, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, Minimalist, Simplify Comments
Look me in the eye and say that's your best effort. Jenny FossNovember 4, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, Motivation Comments
Using social media to find a f*#@ing job? Jenny FossNovember 2, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, social media Comments
So if you can't find a job, why not make one? Jenny FossOctober 29, 2010Entrepreneurism, Job Tips, Unemployed Comments
You're working. Your resume is on Monster. Let's go over this again. Jenny FossOctober 22, 2010Job Search, confidentiality, job boards, resumesComment
It's your "thing." You're the only one who's got to believe in it. Jenny FossOctober 20, 2010Entrepreneurism, Motivation, dreams, job love Comments
The art of making your resume robot AND human friendly. Jenny FossOctober 18, 2010Job Search, Job Tips, Resume, resume writing Comments