The Combo Platter (Resume + LI Kits)
The Combo Platter (Resume + LI Kits)
Do you need help with both your resume and your LinkedIn profile? Step right up. The Combo Platter bundles up our Ridiculously Awesome Resume Kit and Ridiculously Awesome LinkedIn Kit at a tidy discounted price of $49 (reg. $78).
Two great career change resources for nearly the price of one, folks. Let’s do this.
The Combo Platter is for you if:
You want step-by-step resume guidance, answers to your questions, and sample resumes and cover letters that will help you pull together a professional resume, without the professional resume price.
You understand that LinkedIn is a vital networking, job search and recruitment tool, but you are confused about what you should say, how you should say it, and how you can harness the power of LinkedIn to your massive advantage.
You like saving money. If purchased separately, the kits are $39/each. You get them here for $49 total!