Choose thine resume fonts wisely.


 When you send a resume over to an HR person or hiring manager, it's always best that your resume is crafted using one or more fonts that the reviewer has installed on his or her computer.

If they don't have that same font? Don't freak, necessarily. Because the reviewer's computer will likely have an alternate font and they'll still be able to review the resume.

But will it look good? Will the formatting go all to hell?

Maybe, yep.

So you really should consider using one of the most commonly installed fonts.

Here are the top 10 Word fonts, according to

  1. Tahoma

  2. Microsoft Sans Serif

  3. Arial (this one is overused, in my opinion)

  4. Courier New

  5. Times New Roman (also overused, says me)

  6. Verdana

  7. Tebuchet MS

  8. Georgia

  9. Lucida Console

  10. Comis Sans (use this on your resume and you deserve to be slapped)

And here are a handful of LEAST commonly installed fonts. Stay away from these:

  1. Textile

  2. Gadget

  3. Terminal

  4. Futura

  5. Apple Chancery

Choose wisely. An obscure font may look all unique and jazzy on your computer, but translate into a full-on mess on theirs.

That is all.

the whole kit and kaboodle

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